G-Rod has Found 200,000 More Doses of Flu Vaccine

I’m glad that a first term Governor of Illinois with an attention span of gnat is doing a better job than the FDA.

Given I don’t have the expertise in this area:

The vaccine being offered by Ecosse has not been clinically tested on U.S. flu patients, though Blagojevich has said a review of the literature showed its properties are identical to those of the vaccine used in the United States.

Federal officials, however, warn that the vaccines might not be safe or effective because they may be made differently than the U.S. flu shot.


In many ways this is the Governor I remember–remarkably talented politically even if he makes horrible policy quite often.

2 thoughts on “G-Rod has Found 200,000 More Doses of Flu Vaccine”
  1. You rang?

    While Hot Rod may have stumbled into this game as a political ploy, he now has the FDA over a bit of a barrel, especially with his willingness to bring in critical swing state Wisconsin as a partner in sharing any excess vaccines (at least, that’s what he said to Soledad on CNN this morning). The FDA, on the one hand, is in the process of reviewing the safety of Canadian and French vaccines on behalf of the Administration’s effort to scrounge up some more doses by January, so they can’t now claim out of hand that what Illinois has found is unsafe; but they sure don’t want to approve Illinois, because it sets what they believe is a bad precedent. Right now, the FDA’s best answer is “Illinois may be negotiating for the same vaccines we’re trying to get.” Pretty lame attempt to foot drag, imo.

    I wish I had more time to blog about this on my site, but things have been pretty swampy round here.

    Thanks for the link.

    P.S. Go Sox!

  2. Two bad the gnat knows only two tricks: “I didn’t raise your taxes” and “Presription drugs from other countries.”

    But you’re absolutely right: he’s the G-Rod we know and love! It will be good to have your attention focused back on those issues.

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