Funny, Keyes Fans Don’t Even Bother With Me

Mike Murphy takes a swing at his mail box which is filling with pro-Keyes diatribes:

Median Voter Theorem, people, median voter theorem.

Complaint two is fun:

“Dear Secular Satan, you and your godless pals at the NY Times don’t get it. Alan Keyes is a beacon of moral clarity in a time when dark forces portend a holocaust upon the innocent unborn. Trash like your so-called article doesn’t belong in The Weekly Standard. It is an honor and credit to the GOP that Amb. Keyes is running with such great courage and . . .” etc, etc.

5 thoughts on “Funny, Keyes Fans Don’t Even Bother With Me”
  1. That Rapture Ready site is seriously bizarre. I’m hardly an observant Christian, but doesn’t the Bible say that the rapture will come when least expected/won’t be announced? Seems to me as long as websites like that are keeping scorecards nobody’s at risk of being “Left Behind.”

    P.S. I agree with jesselee–hilarious. Even more so because it’s coming from the National Review!

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