Fascinating IL-14 Kane County Early VotingNumbers

Very good turnout for Dems.

Kane County only, Early Voters's
R ballots: 5409
D ballots: 4982

Kane County ballots cast in general primaries past.

D:  16876
R:  45445
Total ballots cast: 66331
Total registered: 244891

D: 22526
R: 35772
TB: 59328
TR: 227101

D: 22572
R: 49959
TB: 75413
TR: 219721
Special Election Early VotesĀ 

Rs 5499

Ds 4431

Not sure what this means, but it appears Republicans are pulling Democratic ballots in the Presidential and then Republican in the special. No idea what that means.

4 thoughts on “Fascinating IL-14 Kane County Early VotingNumbers”
  1. If it weren’t for Foster offering up the first fighting chance since who knows when I’d be tempted to pull a GOP special ballot just so I’d actually have a say in who the next Congressman is (if one of them actually seemed less bad than the other).

    That’s probably what some people are thinking. There’s also the Obama appeal on the regular ballot.

  2. Wait … the R number is roughly the same in both elections … it’s just that fewer Ds are bothing to vote in the special, which makes sense.

    Still those are fantastic numbers. I’m still skeptical there’s a possible second wave after 2006, but I’d love to be proven wrong.

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