Don’t take them very seriously.

Copied from Open Left, but they are all over 

Here you go.  I have no idea how reliable these are.

The Obama victories are bolded.  If these are real, Obama has thrashed Clinton today.

Georgia: Obama 75, Clinton 26
Connecticut: Obama 52, Clinton 45
Illinois: Obama 70, Clinton 29
Alabama: Obama 60, Clinton – 37
Delaware Obama 56, Clinton 42
Massachusetts: Obama 50, Clinton 47
Missouri: Obama 50, Clinton 45
Tennessee: Clinton 52, Obama 41
New York: Clinton 56, Obama 42
New Jersey: Obama 52, Clinton 47
Arkansas: Clinton 71, Obama 26
Oklahoma: Clinton 61, Obama 30
Arizona: Obama 51, Clinton 45
1st wave:
New Mexico: Obama 52, Clinton 46
Utah: Obama 60, Clinton 40

California: Clinton 50, Obama 46

Don’t take them too seriously.  These are unweighted and raw and ultimately just samples.

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