Kevin Drum tracked down a lot of the early leads on Bush’s guard service and given the just released apology from CBS/Rather, he has this interesting statement:

I really want to hear this story. I talked with Burkett at length back in February, and speaking as someone who believes his story about Bush’s files being purged, I still wouldn’t trust him for a second if he suddenly produced a bunch of never-before-seen memos out of nowhere. If he really is CBS’s “unimpeachable source,” they’ve got some very serious problems with their news judgment.

So congrats to CBS for infuriating everyone.

2 thoughts on “Drum on the Memos”
  1. I’d really like to know the source of the memos … and which camp was he trying to help, exactly. Seems like any criticism of Bush’s guard service can be easily discredited after this fiasco.

  2. Bill Burkett has been criticizing Bush for some time regarding his National Guard service, and he pointed to someone I’d never heard of — “Lisa Ramirez”, according to a link Drudge points to — as the source of the forged documents.

    Whomever Lisa Ramirez is, that’s probably your answer.

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