Driving Off A Cliff and Thinking it is a Bump In the Road

Novak’s column today is a peach

Element 1:

House Majority Leader Tom DeLay tried but failed to get a House Democrat to accompany him on his mission to Israel. Democrats did not risk the wrath of their party’s leadership.

The only reason no Congressional Democrat would go is because of the Dem Leadership–not that
A) Tom DeLay is a nut job
B) Tom DeLay is trying to throw out conservative Democrats so helping him would be assisted suicide
C) Tom DeLay is particularly a nut job when it comes to Israeli policy

But, no it is because of House Leadership

Element 2:
Apparently, Rumsfeld’s assistant Steven Herbits is gay. Why does this matter? I think we know, but it isn’t mentioned as relevant to anything else in the bit. Nice.

Element 3:
Dick Kempthorne is too liberal for conservatives for Bush to name him EPA Chief. He apparently raised taxes as Governor. Why this is relevant is anyone’s guess, but what the hell.

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