Dan Hynes in Metro East

Springfield, IL ? U.S. Senate candidate Illinois Comptroller Dan Hynes will attend rallies in Quincy, Rock Island, Moline, Springfield, Marion, Fairview Heights and Granite City. U.S. Representative Jerry Costello will join Hynes in Marion and Granite City. By the end of the fly around, Hynes will have traveled to 43 counties in six days over the past month to share with Illinoisans his plans to create jobs, provide every child with a quality education, and make health care affordable and accessible.

2:20 pm Rally at Williamson County Airport
Rt. 13 & Hwy.148

Fairview Heights

4:00 pm Rally at Steamfitters Local 439
1220 Donald Bailey Drive

Granite City
5:00 pm Rally at Steelworkers Local 1899
2014 State Street

6:15 pm Media Availability at St. Louis Downtown Airport
Midcoast Terminal
10 Archview Drive

8 thoughts on “Dan Hynes in Metro East”
  1. The lack of an institutional counter-weight to the DLC has led the party to select fairly conservative Senate candidates.

    Especially in Colorado, where Rutt Bridges is a Joe Lieberman type “Democrat.”

    But we have a more liberal alternative. Rep. Mark Udall (son of environmentalist “Mo” Udall) is considering a bid.

    Thoughts on the grassroots starting a Draft Udall effort?

  2. As I and every other person watching this race has said, Danny-boy’s poll numbers should be taken with a grain of salt since his gross numbers will be much higher than the other candidates due to an enormous amount of people on the bricks for him.

    Barack should be very concerned about this whistlestop tour by the Comptroller–where is he? He should be popping up everywhere with Sheila Simon, Danny Davis, and Jan Schakowsky…22% in the polls indicates a much higher number of total votes.

    Mr Axelrod needs to get his guy out there.

  3. wiz continues to display his total ignorance about all things political. Wiz, why should Barack be concerned about a Hynes whistlestop tour in downstate cities? Obama has twice as much money as Hynes, a built in base that is rapidly coming over to his side in huge numbers, and a lead in the polls. Hynes, meanwhile, has been on 2 bus tours downstate in the past month already and has gotten very little press out of it and very little impact in the polls. Yes, Hynes has an organization that’s worth some votes, but so does Obama. So what’s your point?

  4. I wasn’t casting aspersions on Barack. Of course he has this “built-in base” (by which I assume you mean African-American voters), but it wouldn’t hurt to excite them to make sure they go out and vote by being more visible in the community. I didn’t mean to say he’s slacking, only that if Blair is slipping in the polls, those votes are probably going to go to Hynes; and with Hynes whistlestopping all over the state, that downstate contingent could hurt Barack’s chances. He may have twice as much money as Hynes, but Hynes will have at least twice as many people on the street. And Blair has a bazillion times more money than both of them.

    My point was just that he would do well to really make himself as public as possible downstate as well as in Cook County’s Af.-Am. community, bringing up the Sheila Simon endorsement, making himself known down there so he can chip at the votes Hynes is likely to get from Blair. Take it easy.

  5. Wiz, i’m not so sure of those Hull votes breaking for Hynes. i’d bet before the divorce coverage Hull voters were somewhat disproportionately female and Obama is the number one choice of all female voters in the breakdowns i’ve seen cited (danny boy was number one among men, but with a lower percentage than Obama’s among women)

  6. Good point, they may be more up for grabs than many think. Still, my sense would be that Blair’s strength downstate, if it deteriorates, would be an advantage for Hynes–unless Barack really plugs himself down there.

  7. wiz is right about one thing. downstate trips generate a ton of free media. very little effort pays off big. it wouldn’t kill barack to spend parts of a couple of days hitting downstate cities with large african-american and significant liberal populations… rockford (which was once owned by hull), decatur, carbondale, etc.

  8. well, he has been there and has some pretty important endorsements (Congressman Evans, Sheila Simon, the St. Louis paper, virtually the entire Chamgaign County board) but i agree he cannot afford to ignore those votes

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