Daily Dolt: Jerome Corsi

Not for what you think either:

As ultra-deep drilling in the Gulf of Mexico continues to validate abiotic, deep-Earth theories, we should also consider exploring oil deeper in the continental United States, to find the basement fractures beneath the huge surface oil fields we now consider depleted. If the oil in Texas and Pennsylvania did not come from dinosaurs or decaying ancient plants, maybe we could find the deeper “source revenues” where that oil seeped up from fractures in the bedrock crystalline basement below.

The crazy bastard thinks oil is not created from organic material.

How is our discourse this stupid?

0 thoughts on “Daily Dolt: Jerome Corsi”
  1. …”How is our discourse this stupid?”

    Mr. Corsi has worked hard to convince other conservatives of his worth and those folks have been quite obliging.

    Thus completes another round of Simple Answers to Simple Questions.

    The real question is why are so many people are so willing to be duped?

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