Because lying by the Kirk Campaign wasn’t enough:


For Immediate Release – July 28, 2010

Contact 312-201-9000


Mob Banker Giannoulias Silent on Radical Left-Wing Ties

Does Giannoulias believe President Bush allowed 9/11 to happen?

Does Giannoulias support the legalization of marijuana?

Does Giannoulias stand with J Street against Israel?

Last week, Alexi Giannoulias flew to Las Vegas to speak to the Netroots Nation, a radical left-wing group of bloggers.  Giannoulias announced on his Facebook page that he would be “leading the Illinois Caucus” at the Netroots Nation.  The Netroots website showed Giannoulias confirmed to attend the conference’s candidate event as well.


But as of today, Alexi remains silent on why he would associate with such a far-left wing group – and whether he stands with some of his fellow presenters at the conference.

Does Alexi Giannoulias believe President Bush allowed 9/11 to happen?

The conference agenda included a “conversation” with 9/11 “truther” Van Jones who resigned his post as “Green Jobs Czar” last year after news reports revealed he had signed a petition accusing former President Bush of allowing September 11th to occur.  Columnist Charles Krauthammer wrote, “You can’t sign a petition demanding not one but four investigations of the charge that the Bush administration deliberately allowed Sept. 11, 2001 — i.e., collaborated in the worst massacre ever perpetrated on American soil — and be permitted in polite society, let alone have a high-level job in the White House.”


No, and neither does Van Jones as I discussed yesterday.  Van Jones not only immediately rejected the notion that Bush was responsible for 9-11 upon the petition with his name attached was brought forward, the kooks at can’t produce any evidence he signed, or for that matter, a couple other people who insist they never signed or agreed to any such statement.  Netroots Nation doesn’t tolerate truthers and Daily Kos banned them years ago-Netroots Nation started out as Yearly Kos hence the relevance.


You can argue over the petition all you want, but Van Jones has made it abundantly clear he doesn’t agree with it, so why is the Illinois GOP trying to raise it as an issue?


Does Alexi Giannoulias support the legalization of marijuana?

A second panel, “Marijuana Policy and Politics,” was scheduled to discuss how the left-wing can make marijuana legalization a mainstream political



Alexi is against legalization, though to be fair, it’s largely a mainstream issue now.  However, because a panel exists at a conference doesn’t mean everyone who attends agrees with the point.

For example, Mark Kirk caucuses with the Republican Party many of who advocate the privatization of Social Security.  Does that make Mark Kirk a right wing radical?


Does Alexi Giannoulias stand with J Street against Israel?

A third panel, “Israel Palestine Caucus,” was scheduled to be presented by J-Street staff members Isaac Luria and Amy Spitalnick.  J-Street is a controversial group known for its harsh criticism of Israel.  Earlier this year, Harvard Law Professor Alan Dershowitz said, “I reject J Street because it spends more time criticizing Israel than supporting it.  They shouldn’t call themselves pro-Israel.”


On this one Alexi probably is closer to the AIPAC position, but let’s make it clear, J Street isn’t anti-Israel.  It’s just more moderate than AIPAC.  J Street argues for a 2 State Solution with permanent borders–the same position as that crazy nutjob George Bush.  J Street also thinks that attacking Iran and starting another war in between our two current wars might just be a bad idea, but does support a multilateral effort to stop Iran from gaining nuclear weapons.

0 thoughts on “Daily Dolt: IL GOP”
  1. OMG! He talked to somebody who talked to somebody who listened to somebody who thinks George Bush ordered 9/11! He’s clearly history’s greatest monster.

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