5 thoughts on “Daily Dolt: Bedwetting 101”
  1. Myopic bedwetting comment of the day, from Illinois Reviewer “Dan“:

    “On every day of the week, where is the greatest concentration of people in this country? Our schools. […]”

    Actually, major city business and entertainment districts have a much higher concentration of people than schools on any given day of the week. It’s why terrorists target transit lines, skyscrapers, dance clubs, hotels, etc.

    No wonder the conservatives are losing the war on terror — they’re too busy making up ignorant partisan knee-jerk reactions to see the reality right in front of them.

  2. Glen beck is amazing!
    A few months ago he was talking about a pizza guy who had a bomb strapped to his neck. The people that strapped the bomb to his neck told him to rob a bank or they would blow his head off…. he ended up having his head blown off.

    The other day Battlefield Earth, a very bad movie written by the scientology guy, and the same bomb on the neck plot tool was used in the movie.

    Does beck just report urban legends with new twists? When is Al-queda going to the make out spots with claw hands?

  3. […] Among others, both the local conservative partisan shop Illinois Review and the oddly named Christian Action Network have promoted Mr. Beck’s series this week offering him free advertising for his faltering shows. (It’s understandable why the partisan conservatives at Illinois Review would promote what Archpundit calls “Bedwetting 101″ but why any good Christian would promote such blatantly partisan sensationalism is unclear.) […]

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