Actually that is to mild for this assclown
I won’t link to him, but you can figure it out on Wikipedia.
Sometimes we forget what politicians have to put up with in terms of their private life. In this case, I’m sure Obama wishes to track this guy down and break his neck. Yet, he’s stuck offering up press releases. The invasion of privacy is to be expected, but nothing can prepare a parent for this kind of scum.
I wouldn’t wish this sort of thing on my worst enemy.
I would gladly help the Senator wring this guy’s neck.
Calling this guy a scum is doing an injustice to scum. After all, scum is mostly soap, which is a good thing. And, scum does no permanent harm, and washes off easily.
Nick Kasoff
The Thug Report
When I see something like this I wonder how we get decent people to run for office at all.