The Chicago Report is even getting in on the act regarding the Senate race

As I told OneMan a while ago–just enjoy the trainwreck–it’s rare that you get to watch one this close up.

7 thoughts on “Chicago Report Falls”
  1. Some sources


    Illinois Issues is a great source, but not available on-line for most of the 1980s.

    The ’82 election was quite amazing too–it was the original Florida where Stevenson probably should have won the race, but for counting problems. Stevenson essentially lost when Thompson was sworn in.

  2. Ok, so I have to ask…why would you have made fun of Adlai? The situation doesn’t seem analogous — in fact, it seems precisely like what the Republican Party here in Illinois should have done — refuse to align themselves with Keyes, recognize his insanity, and move on.

    Instead, they offer half-hearted apologia for the man and keep evincing a “hope” that he’ll recognize that in order to “win”, he needs to actually engage Illinoisans on, well, Illinois issues.

    It would have been fun to make fun of Hart and Pucinski, though.

  3. For very different reasons–Adlai Fucked up the election–he ran a half ass primary campaign and the didn’t have the party get the materials out on the preferred ticket right away. And the he screwed up the response–you can’t tell from the article, but it was incredibly screwed up all along and they just couldn’t get on message no matter what they did–fortunately for the Party, Dixon was running to keep the top of the ticket afloat.

    So essentially–for Democrats were dealing with a screw-up and acting like the Keystone Cops–similar to most Republicans now who are muttering to themselves over their leadership.

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