The Spanking Thread at the Leader

So many places to go, but look at the thread starter:

WOW a GOOD OLD FASHIONED SPANKING! Oh excuse me, Barak wants to give Keyes a pseudo Spanking! Now just where would he like to spank Keyes? On the buttocks or across the mouth? Or a pseudo spanking across the EGO! Well IT is high time we remembered the old line, SPARE THE ROD AND SPOIL THE CHILD!!!! I say that Barak Obama has been a spoiled child and should be whooped with a pseudo rod!

Spoiled because he crept into bed with the likes of George Soros

Spoiled because he thinks he is better than us because he went to Harvard and got educated by the smartest of Liberals like Larry Tribe and Alan Dershowitz.

Spoiled because he gets soft cushy interviews with the liberal likes of Dick Kaye and Andy Shaw.

Spoiled because he thinks the Daley democratic machine combined with the lock step union vote combined with the ignorant catholic (yes I mean what I say IGNORANT because so many of these people vote Democratic because grandpa did)will put him over the top… OH I forgot the GAY vote and the Lake Front and North Shore Cream Cheese vote. Oh , I also forgot the african american and hispanic vote. A regular majority of minorities!

Spoiled because he thinks the MEDIA will continue to fawn over him.

Spoiled because he thinks that the Limosine Liberals will invite him over to the club.


Might want to switch to decaf.

7 thoughts on “The Spanking Thread at the Leader”
  1. …don’t even know where to start on that one.

    I suppose I’ll skip over the homophobic comments and the “ignorant Catholic” line and head directly to the not-so-cleverly-hidden anti-Semitism:

    “…North Shore Cream Cheese vote?”

    Not sure decaf will do it. Think something a little more…prescribed. And a lot of bed rest.

  2. Oh, c’mon… Keyes will poll in the high-20s, so one in four people have to support the guy.

    This anti-cream-cheese nutcase is Keyes’ base…

  3. It looks like the cream-cheese guy is claiming that bagelries (his example is Kaufman’s) make excellent bagels but have highly liberal publications given away for free. And since a bagel is nothing without cream cheese (uhhh), this is the North Shore Cream Cheese vote.

    I liked it better as a tortured cryptic reference to Jews, personally. I mean, that would be a correct, if derogatory, reference to Obama’s base, unlike some highly complicated bagelry analogy.

  4. Come on, it is a highly tortured reference to Jews. The depth of that guy’s anti-Semitism is revealed by the fact that he can name gays, African-Americans, hispanics — but uses an original, but not even clever, euphemism for Jews.

    And when he’s called on it, he comes up with a lame explanation that his references includes yuppies who like bagels. (Yuppies in Skokie, mind you.)

    This guy’s thoughts about Jews must be really something if he thinks that he can’t mention them by name.

    Wes, if your post was ironic, I apologize. But the “cream cheese” reference — in context — really bothered me.

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