Before calling someone stupid

Back from the edge of the wingnut One World Goverment/Religion portion of the Illinois Leader is Kevin McCollough. Kev decides to call the moderate/Combine Republicans stupid. Then he says:

At one point, Speaker Hastert was actually trying to wrestle the constitutional duty of naming the U.S. Attorneys away from Fitzgerald – a contest that the Senator easily won.

A No-Prize to the first person who can name that Constitutional provision. Preferably from the US Constitution, but another one might do.

Additionally, instead of finding something relevant to attack about Steve Neal, like his accuracy, Kev makes several allusions to his drinking habits. Calling a reporter a drunk is like calling a minister religious.

Finally, Good ‘ole Kev seems to not understand the 11th Commandment of Republican Politics–Thou Shall Not Speak Badly of Fellow Republicans. As a side note, I always wondered what Ford thought of this saying? More importantly, Pat O’Malley ran a wingnut campaign that villified J-Ry. J-Ry probably would have lost without that given the deck of cards he was dealt, but McCollough seems not understand that by shifting O’Malley to AG race, the bitter primary would have been avoided and all the money could have been spent attacking Lisa Madigan and the Dem nominee. Instead of wounding their better candidate, they could have had a competitive J-Ry and O’Malley. But no, stupid is as stupid does.

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