

Apologies to the readers, busy day at work.

To hold you over, the Washington Post has a writeup on wonder boy Barack Obama and presidential ambitions. They should have titled the piece, “Dog Bites Man, Sky Remains Blue, and Pizza Still Delicious” for all the news broken in it.

Like this one.

He recently hired two nationally experienced political consultants, Anita Dunn in Washington and David Axelrod in Chicago.

Correct me if I’m wrong, but Axelrod worked for the campaign in 2004. So, how is his hiring new? Annita Dunn is new, but already reported. Oh, and lots of people come see him at fundraisers? He raises lots of money? Again, newsworthy?

However, I’d rather see more stories like that than this one. I’ll have more comment on the latter in a later post.

Check out the Post piece here.

In the email box this am…

I’m a huge fan of Wikipedia and I signed up to get the article of the day via email mainly so I could get the quotes (although I’ve grown to love pretty much the whole thing).

I thought today’s was good and since it came from one of our great statesmen, I’ll share.

“If we could first know where we are, and whither we are tending, we could then better judge what to do, and how to do it.” — Abraham Lincoln

If y’all have a favorite Lincoln quote, why don’t you just go ahead and leave it in the comment section.

You can sign up here for wikipedia article of the day.

Netroots V. Schumer in CT SEN

I tend to pay close attention to the national political scene and would spare the readers here my take, but since the Connecticut Dem primary race is very Netroots centric, I’m going to broach the subject here.

There is a lot of hyper analysis over Senator Chuck Schumer’s statement that the DSCC would support an independent bid by Senator Lieberman. Markos was pissed and he generally reflects the sentiment of much of the progressive blogosphere, but the hand wringing continues with Jim Dean entering the fray recently.

With so many keys being stroked (instead of ink being spilt) over this, I have to wonder if people are missing an obvious factor.

Joe Lieberman is a Jewish Senator from Connecticut. I would think he has some big donors in either NY or Connecticut that are close to him and have expressed to Chuck Schumer their dissastisfaction with this whole Lamont thing.

After all, he did almost become vice-president and then ran for president. I think Schumer is just humoring some people so he can get back to trying to win a Dem majority in the Senate.

Can You Name All Ten Commandments?

A while back Roll Call ran a story (for those of you with Roll Call subscriptions) about how excited a Georgia Republican named Jack Kingston was to get interviewed by Stephen Colbert for his “Better Know a District” series.

Kingston was so enthusiastic that his office sent out an e-mail to some of his GOP colleagues encouraging them to appear. He also offered Colbert a ticket to the State of the Union address, which Colbert declined. Kingston even took advantage of his interview to get his daughter, Betsy, a college senior, an internship on the show.

Boy should Lynn Westmoreland not have listened to him.
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Hello Archpundit readers. Your friendly neighborhood Backup Pundit signing in here to keep y’all entertained for the next week or so.

We’ll start with, “people who should burn in hell for $200 Alex” and the Tribune update on a May story on someone stealing land owned by churches.

Bet Svengoli will be disturbed to learn this guy is from Berwyn.

And here’s to Larry feeling better.