Nothing like waking up in the morning with water up to the porch and your garbage cans floating down the driveway.
I know the basics to keep flooding and stuff under control–more looking for just good tips to make it easier.
Call It A Comeback
Nothing like waking up in the morning with water up to the porch and your garbage cans floating down the driveway.
I know the basics to keep flooding and stuff under control–more looking for just good tips to make it easier.
Ouch. Good luck. Air everything out for longer than you think you need to.
Oh yeah–it might total the car. It runs, but the way water works, we aren’t sure. We are throwing a bunch out and getting the chlorine bleach out to wash everything up.
That blows, sorry to hear it. Hope nothing irreplaceable was lost.
No, the car is by far the worst. We are pretty careful by what we keep on the floor in the basement for just this reason. Some leftover stuff from a garage sale is the worst of it so that’s not so bad.