A Very Fair Column, Stroger Needs to Release His Medical Records

Lynn Sweet argues he should release his records to demonstrate whether he can actually serve or not.

Let me add, given this news, so does Lane Evans. I thought it was a cheap shot to go after his health as long as he was making meetings and votes. If he is starting to miss them, he should allow the voters to judge. Most likely, it is time to step down–if he does it now, the Party can choose a candidate to run in his place. While not ideal, it isn’t exactly a Lipinski switch either.

5 thoughts on “A Very Fair Column, Stroger Needs to Release His Medical Records”
  1. Well, the advantage of Claypool over Stroger is that Claypool’s a far more vigorous man — more capable, for this very reason, of dealing with the problems besetting Cook County.

    It’s extremely unfortunate that Stroger had this stroke but basically it’s completely illustrative of the difference between the two.

  2. Exactly what I was thinking when I just heard for the first time about Evans having Parkinson’s and being off work for a month now.

    And, sorry, but I think Duckworth, having only been out of the hospital for a few months now and dealing with the still almost brand new reality of having lost almost half her body, she should be doing the same. Especially her mental health records, I’m not being mean and critical. My heart goes out to the woman, I think she is rushing into something she is NOT ready for whether she realizes it or not.

    I think people in IL-06 should be assured she is still not, or worse – hasn’t even begun to, deal with Post Traumatic Stress syndrome from her war wounds.

  3. So Duckworth should release records to prove that she doesn’t have a problem that no one has shown any evidence that she has?

    It’s a dirty smear- to insist that someone should defend against a baseless allegation. Why not just say that she eats children and demand she prove otherwise? It’s the same effect.

  4. I think when the guy is in the hospital and you’ve got an election in a day or two, it’s fair to ask what the true state of his health is.

    Can’t comment on the other two.

  5. ohh I get: it’s not a dirty smear, it’s a valid concern – if you know anything at all about trauma, post traumatic stress and the physical FACTS when you lose almost half your body. I say it with concern for Duckworth AND the democratic party. I think she made a bad call and is rushing into an extremely challenging, physically demanding and nasty congressional race. If you think I’m being mean and nasty, what do you think Roskham and the republicans are going to do to her?? I think she is dealing with quite enough for the time being already.

    She needs more time to heal and figure out who she is and what her life is now all about before moving on to congressional races or any other major life decisions. She’s just coming to grips with some big ones she had no choice about. That takes time to process, I don’t care how much she or anyone else wants to paint her as superwoman. That can blowup in everyone’s face.

    But she would be the one MOST harmed, and she deserves better. She can always run for political office, when she’s ready and all healed.

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