
Pelosi to Bush: ‘It’s an insult’

IRAQ | President will pull out 30,000 troops, but Democrat scoffs


Swamp TV — Bush embraces Petraeus’ troop cuts

Now, both stories are not so good. Both cover Pelosi’s quotes, but not the fact that there aren’t enough brigades to keep up the level of troops.   This has been known for months so reporting this as some sort of drawdown by Bush is silly. He’s exhausted the military

One thought on “A Tale of Two Headlines”
  1. thank you for pointing that out.

    it’s been driving me absolutely insane watching the MSM play lap-dog to George YET AGAIN, constantly referring to him “bringing the troops home.”

    i’ve been yelling at the television things like “NO it’s NOT a drawdown! he’s going to leave the Oval Office with the same damned number of people over there as there were eight months ago!”

    all the while realising, of course, that a large percentage of the American public is too stupid to make that distinction.

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