Why he is so beloved by everyone:

The latest in the bickering between Foster, a physicist with a doctorate from Harvard University, and Oberweis, a millionaire dairy businessman, is video footage showing Oberweis mocking the speech of his rival during a taping of NBC5’s “City Desk” last week. “I’m so nervous,” Oberweis said while pretending to stutter and with Foster seated beside him.

[kml_flashembed movie="http://www.youtube.com/v/RTc_JGAuTqg" width="425" height="350" wmode="transparent" /]

0 thoughts on “Stay Classy Jim”
  1. I know the original article messed it up, but can you change put Foster’s name where it is supposed to be? If Hastert is a physicist, then I’m Rene Descartes.

  2. […] March 7, 2008 in Congressional Campaigns, Democrats, Republicans by robnesvacil Tags: Bill Foster, Congress, IL-14, Jim Oberweis, NRCC, Republicans This blog and other publications (notably the usually conservative Chicago Tribune editorials page) have noted the tendency for Jim Oberweis to cheat, break the rules, and lie (and lie and lie and … you get the idea). Oh, and we ‘little people’ have also noticed that the smug Mr. Oberweis acts like a kid in junior high. […]

  3. Oberweis reflects everything that a Bush Republican is, right down to the childish mocking and belittling. Bush had Karla Faye Tucker and Oberweis now has Foster, except Oberweis’is on video, even Bush wasn’t that dumb. Wow.

  4. What an ass.

    I hope someone can get permission to use this in an ad. The interviewer lady should have just said “stop acting like an ass or you will regret it’

    I hope we can make him regret it.

  5. Hey, its out there, just like the “just throw money at it” clip. Anyone can use it. Meanwhile, it should be YouTubed to death.

    And we have 10 months to constantly remind everyone what a total ass the Uberweis is. And hopefully keep Little Joe whining about what his father’s behavior is doing to the ice cream business.

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