We’ve seen the stages before because we’re from here, but it’s fun to watch the national press go through it all over again.
1. Holy shit, you’ve got to hear this guy speak.
2. Holy shit, this guy was the first African American editor of the Harvard Law Review. Everyone we talk to says he’s really smart.
3. Holy shit, in his book he talks about doing blow, this could hurt him big time.
4. Holy shit, the right is going bonkers (He’s not really black because he wasn’t decendant from slaves – Keyes, His middle name is Hussein – tv right, Holy shit he’s in our church – religious political right, He’s a false messiah and the anti-Christ – nutjob right)
5. Holy shit, everywhere you look people are wild about Barack Obama. Don’t they know he did blow and HIS MIDDLE NAME IS HUSSEIN?
6. Holy shit, he won huge.
7. Holy shit, I can’t believe I lost like that. But at the end of the day I can’t really be too upset about it because I like the guy. (Dan Hynes 2004, Hillary Clinton 2008)Not McCain though, we all know how he gets when Barack steals his thunder. (see Ethics, WATB)
Next up in the Moonie Times: in 4th grade he wrote a term paper about Manitoba, which clearly means he has always intended to renounce his US citizenship and move to Canada anyway. And you can blame Canada for all those poisonous (US-made) prescription drugs, remember?
[inside baseball]
It’ll be interesting to see if #7 will ring true for the apparently derailing Inevitability Express. Then again, if Hil and Edwards cut a deal in Iowa, Barack is SOL. (One can only hope he’s already made the deal with Edwards and/or others himself.)
[/inside baseball]
PS: Notice that that original post from “7 Stages of Obama” was in response to a front-page WaPo article treating Obama’s drug use as breathlessly as they could even though it was in his book from nearly a dozen years prior.
Gee, which paper just had a major article discussing the “rumors” about Obama attending a madrassa as a boy overseas, but which failed to mention the rumors had been thoroughly debunked as lies by independent news reporters months ago???
The name of that paper is on the tip of my tongue…
Its always amazing how underestimated (misunderestimated?) he is going into a campaign. I tell my friends when I think about Baracks opponents, I just think “You poor fools, you have no idea what you are getting into.” They always look at me incredulously, until they see the poll results.