Schock Admits Mistake

Schock held steady, though, on his stance to stop the Iranian regime from getting nuclear weapons. He wants to provide training and assistance to the majority of Iranians who oppose the ayatollahs who rule them and pressure China and Russia to live up to their responsibilities on the UN Security Council and vote for a third set of economic sanctions on Iran.

“We must get China’s attention that preventing Iran from becoming a nuclear terrorist nation is one of our utmost national security concerns,” he said.

And all credit for standing up and saying I goofed.

But let’s make something clear, it wasn’t just one policy that was a problem in the *27* page speech.  His strategy for Central and South America is to lecture them more.

His strategy in the Middle East is based on some sort of idea that if you argue long enough with them, Arabs will change their mind (let’s not even start on Persians/Afghans, etc)

He misrepresented Iran’s history with WMD’s implying they had used them before. They have not, they have been the victims of chemical warfare.

He said that Iran is likely to have a nuclear weapon within a year, something no one has claimed who is familiar with their program. Most estimates range from 3-10 years.

He completely butchered the ethnic background of Iran.

He endorsed a doctrine not of preemptive war, but of dealing with eventual threats immediately.  This is a radical and dangerous concept that would destroy nearly all international norms.

And that is just in the foreign policy section.  I don’t expect Members of Congress to be experts on foreign policy, but I prefer they know what they don’t know. And there Schock fails miserably.

3 thoughts on “Oops”
  1. Err… after reading the actual article and not what you quote from it… he did admit he was wrong. Let’s hope he learns a lesson if he is to be the next Rep in IL-18 (I hope the voters don’t do that though).

  2. Apparently the PJStar somewhat calls him out (see Rich).

    Kudos to the PJStar for this:

    “As for those U.S.-assisted freedom fighters he praises for beating back the Soviets in Afghanistan, who’s alleged to be the most famous one of all? SCHOCK DREW A BLANK WHEN ASKED. (emphasis mine) The answer is Osama bin Laden.”

    And Kudos to Rich for pointing out that the “Polish Freedom Fighters” of which Schock erroneously refers were union organizers.

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