Speaking of Noah. Friedman has

Speaking of Noah. Friedman has a good column. Even better, POTUS expresses what the nation is feeling and where it should continue responding.

However, despite the echo chamber’s whining, the NYT editorial page is amazing. The third Op-Ed makes a great point. Dowd delivers a message the President needs to hear:

“If the old Desert Storm warriors want a new desert storm, they should stop condescending to their fellow countrymen, who understand both that Iraq is a threat and that Iraq had nothing to do with the destruction of the World Trade Center.”

The fight may be right, but be honest and clear. Zell Miller, one of the President’s most ardent supporters, made this case the other day. Iraq won’t pull an operation like last years. Having a base to attack changes their strategy. Admitting this doesn’t take away from real reasons to go after him. Unfortunately, the administration is incapable of making this argument to date. Instead, Dick Cheney has decided to freelance and claim all of the problems of the world eminate from Iraq. That argument takes a lot of balls from a man whose company helped rebuild the Iraqi oil fields.

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