Mike Murphy takes a swing at his mail box which is filling with pro-Keyes diatribes:
Median Voter Theorem, people, median voter theorem.
Complaint two is fun:
“Dear Secular Satan, you and your godless pals at the NY Times don’t get it. Alan Keyes is a beacon of moral clarity in a time when dark forces portend a holocaust upon the innocent unborn. Trash like your so-called article doesn’t belong in The Weekly Standard. It is an honor and credit to the GOP that Amb. Keyes is running with such great courage and . . .” etc, etc.
Thanks for the reminder to check the
Rapture Index — Liberalism is at a 5 right now — can’t get no higher. Funny, they think Satanism is at an all-time low tho there’s plenty of growth potential for False Christs. This should make Keyes happy.
That is hi-larious, I love it.
That Rapture Ready site is seriously bizarre. I’m hardly an observant Christian, but doesn’t the Bible say that the rapture will come when least expected/won’t be announced? Seems to me as long as websites like that are keeping scorecards nobody’s at risk of being “Left Behind.”
P.S. I agree with jesselee–hilarious. Even more so because it’s coming from the National Review!
Hey, I wrestled as “Secular Satan” in Mexico.
Don’t make me portend a holocaust upon YOUR MOM!