Go here, and donate what you can.

It’s important.

If you can’t donate, you can also volunteer. While I’m not sure how hard Madigan will get out there for Lipinski, Madigan and the elder are long time allies. Madigan can call up ground troops in a second that dwarf most political operations—usually that’s a good thing. John will need all the help he can get.

I know most of the volume is in the 6th, but frankly there are three good people running for that seat and it’s a tougher seat to win then this is to retain. If you want to fight over who’s more liberal or progressive, this is the District in which to do it. This is an easy seat to retain with a Dem. Worse, if Ethics reform is the issue de jour, getting your seat from your Daddy who dumped some hump on the Republican ballot so you’d have no real competition is sort of a problem.

John had a disappointing 4th quarter, but if there was ever a good fight to be had in a primary this is it. For all the piss and vinegar being used in other races, this one is a clear choice for Democrats–it’s a 59% Kerry District represented by not just a pro-life Democrat (there are many of those and I respect them), but a guy who is socially conservative across the board in a district that is quite Democratic. Did I mention, Lipinski is just a crod to boot?

Normally, I’m tough on candidates who have bad fundraising quarters, but John is in a situation where Dan Lipinski may face a perfect storm by the primary with disgust over how he got the position and a general unhappiness over his positions. Let’s put John in a position to take advantage of that situation.

13 thoughts on “Need to feel good about yourself”
  1. NO WAY. We must focus on Cegelis, and we must ensure Cegelis wins the Illinois06 primary. Because her election will send a signal to the DLC and establishment Democrats in DC, we must support her vigorously and vociferously. To try to distract us from Illinois 06 is frankly not productive. The citizens of Illinois 06 desire a true voice in Congress, not a wooden puppet controlled by Rahm Emanuel. Focus on Illinois 06. Contribute to CEGELIS. Donate to CEGELIS. Do everything for CEGELIS. To not support CEGELIS is tantamount to not being a Democrat.

  2. “To not support CEGELIS is tantamount to not being a Democrat.”

    Well, at least you aren’t prone to pie-eyed rhetoric and ranting hyperbole.

  3. Totally agree on the “piss and vinegar” bit. You have to admire a guy like Sullivan who’s standing up to the whole foul organization that put Lipinski Jr. in office.

    Running for office is no easy task. Anyone who’s ever been involved in a campaign in any way knows this. But what Sullivan is trying to do goes beyond even the normal standard.

    He’s one courageous dude and we all ought to support him.

  4. “…not a wooden puppet …”

    Clever word choice for a double-amputee, champ. It’s clear from your inane rambling that you don’t actually work for Cegelis.

    Good thing for her.

  5. I’ve said this on Kos before and I’ll say it again: is it OK to vote against Cegelis out of spite? Because comments like the first one here make me want to vote for Duckworth simply to stick it to the Cegelis people accusing me of not being a Democrat simply because I’m considering other options.

  6. Well, however you feel about IL-06, Illinois isn’t a one-district State! If we were running on that basis, we’d really be in poor shape.

    The circumstances in either district are completely different. Those of us who are connected with IL-03 find the Sullivan story extremely compelling.

    When you’re a Democrat around here, you go with the race you think best represents your values. That’s why a lot of us are happy to see Sullivan running.

  7. He plans to fight corporate America ?

    Why ? For God’s sake why ?
    I have a job provided by these bastards known as corporate America, and I really don’t want any self-appointed crusader to fuck it up for me.

  8. “He plans to fight corporate America ?”

    Not sure what you’re talking about — or who.

    As far as “fighting” is concerned, Sullivan’s been an Assistant State’s Attorney fighting against Street Gangs. So yeah, he’s a fighter but against illegal and corrupt activity. We need someone like him to fight the culture of corruption both here and in Washington.

    I’d only point our that his opponent, Lipinski, has supped at the table of corruption. It explains how he got into office.

    So yeah, you might say we need someone to clean up the sordid mess in the 3rd District. Sullivan’s the one to do it!

  9. Sullivan is what the 3rd C.D. needs.
    Sullivan is concerned about United Airlines employees losing their pensions to keep UA solvent. UA PAC gave $5000 to Lipinski.
    When the news came out about the pensions, Lipinski was speaking about being anti-choice and the military should aggressively out and oust gays from the military.
    Sullivan on Iraq- The US should have a decisive exit strategy with realistic/tangible benchmarks.
    Lipinski’s exit strategy-stay the course.
    Lipinski is a loser for all America. He carries the legacy of corrupt power. The in-the-know in the district are either very happy with Sullivan or part of the corruption trail that is long in our district.

  10. Cegelis is the progressive candidate who will contribute to the reform we need in Congress. Either one supports reform, or one simply desires more of the same. Both can win in this district, and one candidate has labored endlessly to build the infrastructure required to sustain the Democrats in upcoming elections. That is why Democrats should vote for Cegelis. Her infrastructure will help build the party in a district and in a county where Democrats were previously disorganized. This, I believe, is more important than supporting a celebrity candidate whose appeal will wear over time. And I hope people will vote on the merits of the candidate, not the rhetoric of their respective supporters and especially not on the marketing strategies of their respective advisors.

  11. Duckworth is the more progressive candidate and offers a fresh, inspiring approach to Democratic politics. Her appeal is not that she is an Iraq war veteran, but that she is extremely well versed in international affairs (having a Master’s on the subject), is concerned about health care, and will be a champion for workers rights. These are her merits, not the “celebrity” label you peg her with, Illinois06.

    As for the CD 03 race, which I live in, I’m definitely voting Sullivan. I went to see Lipinski speak a few weeks ago and he is definitely out of touch with the views of the Democrats I know in my district.

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