The rumor I have a line on says that Bill Lipinski will be stepping down next week and bringing his son in to take his place. This was widely reported, but now it seems ready to go. The 19th is behind the switch.
Apparently Daley had a meeting with Lipinski and yelled at him that no one else in the damn delegation could get anything done and he wanted Lipinski to stay. His tantrum was to no avail.
Daley bad-mouthing the delegation? JJJ should be useful, being on the Approps committee. Hyde should be good. Emmanuel too. Lane Evans and Hastert should be good too.
The rest prob aren’t as useful. But Daley is pretty focused on transportation and Lipinski’s in a good place to help on this issue.
I don’t like these swaps to bequeath seats without a contested primary.
If at least Lip Jr. occasionally answers letters, email etc. it would be good change but I really would’ve liked a real primary for this seat. The district’s had a lot of demographic change and I honestly don’t think it’s as conservative as Lip.
The son’s a poli-sci professor, no? Has he published anything that might indicate his positions?
I favor getting more Ph.Ds in office, despite Newt Gingrich’s example.
Daley just isn’t looking forward to the brutal primary fight ahead.
How long until we have the IL-03 Cattle Call?
Agreed about the district going to the left of the Lip. The nepotism is tacky to say the least.
More PhDs in office? Only Jeff Smith who is almost there. Really, Dan’s work is typical academic stuff not ideological type of stuff.
The issue is none of those guys are good details guys. Hyde is always worried about abortions in Upper Mongolia. JJJ is mugging for cameras. Rahm has his own cameras so he doesn’t have to fight for them. Evans isn’t infrastructure oriented. LaHood isn’t bad though.
And I agree, I’m not thrilled with the family pass off, but whatayougonnado?