Raja Down about 2500 Votes
As I feared, the downstate precincts haven’t been friendly to him.
Call It A Comeback
As I feared, the downstate precincts haven’t been friendly to him.
Mr. 13 percent as being a victim of unfortunate circumstances.
As far as I can tell the unfortunate circumstance from what I’ve seen is that Stroger is a boob, but hey.
Brady only being marginally less annoying than McKenna.
79 percent reporting–Hynes down by 10,000 votes which is getting closer.
Dillard and Brady down by about 3,000 votes on McKenna
Dan Seals is ahead by just under 700 votes.
Having to choose listen to Pat Quinn and Andy McKenna for months. Please save us doswnstate.
That gives them some credibility–too bad they canned him and lost him day to day.
Is Jack Ryan on my Teevee?
I knew I should have done these over the weekend–I got tied up yesterday, but anyway.
Governor: Hynes–Eric says people like Quinn, but I don’t know those people. They know him becuase he holds all ofthose press conferences, but the guy has a 25 percent overall approval rating. While he does better with Dems, he’s still not that liked by them. Hynes could be in trouble if the turnout is as bad as Rich is reporting.
For the Rs: McKenna–no one really stood out so my guess is his big media money is going to put him over the top. Dillard might pull it out, but edge to McKenna. Expect Adam and Proft to do better if turnout is really bad.
Senate: Alexi–Hoffman has made a reasonable case for being Mayor of Chicago, but has virtually no unions backing him and no ground game to take advantage of a low turnout.
Kirk–low turnout could mean Hughes gets up to 1/3 of the vote, but not nearly enough.
County Board: Preckwinkle should take it and take it relatively easily.
10th District: Hamos. She has largely outmaneuvered Seals with tons of support from elected and unions.
Coulson goes down to Dold. Too many angry right wingers out there to allow another moderate in that seat. Bodes ill for the Republicans keeping the seat in the fall.
The downballot races are crazy so I really don’t know. Raja has run a good campaign, but the big races have suffocated the smaller races and a guy with the name Miller has a good shot in this environment.
Via Rich
I do have a Twinkie With 19 Candles though
No thank you, see ya
I’ll take a slice.
Classic. Just fucking classic