Bush Lied

So says Mark Kirk about the justification for the Iraq War.

First—irony concerning being lied to noted.

Second, the base cannot be happy about that.

CHICAGO (AP) – Republican Mark Kirk says the Bush administration lied to him about the evidence for weapons of mass destruction in Iraq.

Kirk voted to invade Iraq and said he was morally certain Saddam Hussein had weapons of mass destruction.

But in a debate Wednesday, the U.S. Senate candidate said he was given false information in a briefing by the deputy director of the Central Intelligence Agency under President George W. Bush.

Kirk says he “absolutely” believes he was lied to.


Third, irony regarding a guy running on his intelligence credentials is noted.

Senator Brady doesn’t believe in equality for women and would rather LGBT people not exist

Well, that was inappropriate.  Ricky Hendon being inappropriate isn’t news though Quinn should have apologized for them since Hendon was speaking on behalf of him–nice advance work there gang!

I had to read it a couple times before I got the full problem with it.  At first, I simply read it as typical fodder about Brady not being good on issues of equity and fairness, but the whole would rather LGBT people not exist takes it a lot further once I thought about it and the equality issue would be a flub, but not as serious alone.

There are actually candidates we have around who do argue that women shouldn’t be equal. and everyone seems to ignore that, but Brady has never said anything like that which I’ve heard and if you can get him past platitudes about marriage equality he simply starts mumbling. There’s a reason for this.  He doesn’t think any deeper than that.  The man is not intellectual which isn’t unusual in a politician, but he goes a step further and is just dumb.  He’s good with people and he can campaign hard, but he’s dumb. He doesn’t think that deeply about women’s issues to be against equality. He’s just against the gummint getting in his business and is icked out by  Teh Gay. But he doesn’t wish they don’t exist–he doesn’t think about it enough to make a difference to him.

Bill Brady doesn’t have some evil plot he wants to unleash on the State of Illinois.  That would take a lot of initiative and he’s never shown any in his legislative career except to climb the ladder–even if it was while one beloved Senator was recuperating from a stroke.

He’ll do bad things as Governor, but only because he sees everything in very simple terms and doesn’t dwell on any solutions besides making broad platitudes and then go and be personable.  He’s not Kirk Dillard who might do things I’d disagree with, but make a coherent value based argument about why and be honest about the downside.

If Brady becomes Governor, I already have his theme picked out for four years:  Never attribute to malice that which can be adequately explained by stupidity.

Don’t Mess With Rand’s Beautiful Mind


This splices two videos together from the event in Kentucky where a MoveOn Activist was tacked and had her head stomped.

Being a campaign volunteer doesn’t mean you can be a thug because you don’t want your beautiful candidate spoiled by free speech.  Flashing a sign in the face of a candidate for office isn’t a crime.  Trying to take an embarrassing picture of a candidate with a sign isn’t a crime.  Unless the Rand Paul faces death from a paper cut there was no justification for anyone putting hands on this woman.  You can act as a barrier  or such or perhaps the best ides would be to set up a more controlled entrance area.  But Rand Paul not wanting his beautiful mind to be spoiled by pesky free speech isn’t a reason to put your hands on a woman and that includes the goofus who is in a suit and runs over at the very beginning.

If there is some fear of a threat then there are these people we call the police who can do crowd control for a candidate, but clearly that wasn’t thought necessary.

I’ve been to tea party events and had more aggressive behavior with signs towards me in my face, but my reaction was to smile and greet them.  Cardboard signs aren’t weapons.  What’s most bizarre is the Rand Paul supporters seemed to think they needed to have her arrested.  Seriously.

Early Voting Numbers

The Sun-Times covers the campaigns’ view of early voting:

The Giannoulias campaign has composed a model that includes every voter in Illinois with a grade from zero to 100, a score of 100 meaning they are most likely to vote for Giannoulias.

So far, of the 150,000 Illinois voters who voted early as of Thursday morning, 54 percent of them scored 50 or above on that predictor, Rendina said.

Among those more intensely for Giannoulias or Kirk, the most-likely Giannoulias voters — those scoring 70-100, accounted for 47 percent of the early votes.

Those judged to be most likely to be Kirk supporters — scoring 0-30 — accounted for only 38 percent of early votes.

There is a lot of guessing involved there, Rendina admits. Not everyone will vote as predicted. The projections are based on past tallies of whether they have generally requested Democratic or Republican ballots.

On the Republican side, Illinois’ Republican Party has been out-performing every other state in America for making phone and in-person contacts with voters, said state GOP Chairman Pat Brady — 3.5 million since June; 110,000 on Saturday alone.


This is going to be very close.  The modeling may seem complicated and such, but in reality it isn’t.  It essentially asks people in surveys who they are supporting and then a series of voting behavioral questions.  The data is then crunched–I imagine using similar methodology to Nate Silver by running simulations based on the likelihood of support for Alexi based on matching past behaviors to the survey data.  The probability at the end then tells you the likelihood of a vote for the candidate.

It is far better than precinct level results because it focuses on individual voter behavior and not a geographic proxy.  Where the potential weakness exists, it’s very similar to most statistical models. If the models assumptions and underlying data from surveys is not consistent with reality then you’ll get bad predictions.  Overall though, the basic technique is relatively simple and should improve upon likely voter models in surveys since it takes behavioral cues as the most important predictor instead of respondent opinions of the moment.

Vote Fraud Cannard

This is usually how these things turn out. I’ll note that nearly the same results turned up when Matt Blunt, as Secretary of State, tried to investigate ‘massive voter fraud’ in Missouri.  He identified a fairly high number of initial problems.  It turned out then that his staff did not understand the property coding system in the City of Saint Louis and it came down to less than a dozen cases of potential fraud.

But Hennepin County Attorney Mike Freeman told TPMMuckraker that conservative groups have exaggerated the threat of voter fraud. He also said that their investigation revealed that there was no coordinated campaign to commit voter fraud. Freeman said that 43 of the cases involve felons who were ineligible to vote and four cases involve double voting.

The conservative group Minnesota Majority first alleged that 1,250 people, including over 800 felons, were illegally voting. But the vast majority of those claims didn’t pan out.

“They claimed in November 2009 to have 800 additional individuals who were illegal felon voters,” Freeman said. “When they summited names to us in late February 2010, it was down to 451. We have processed that 451, and more than half of them were either not felons or not on probation when they voted. The rest of them we investigated more fully, and today we reported that the remaining cases presented sufficient support to charge, so we charged them.”

The felon cases are interesting too because those are cases that cannot be caught at the precinct level, but at the registration level.  That’s also true with double voting where the people aren’t pretending to be someone else, they are voting under the own name in two different places.

Voters with previous felonies are also irrelevant in Illinois since the law allows all, but those currently incarcerated to vote.  Voting integrity projects wouldn’t have prevented any of the fraud cases in Minnesota.  What would improve the issue is better list maintenance, though that is difficult.