Don’t Mess With Rand’s Beautiful Mind


This splices two videos together from the event in Kentucky where a MoveOn Activist was tacked and had her head stomped.

Being a campaign volunteer doesn’t mean you can be a thug because you don’t want your beautiful candidate spoiled by free speech.  Flashing a sign in the face of a candidate for office isn’t a crime.  Trying to take an embarrassing picture of a candidate with a sign isn’t a crime.  Unless the Rand Paul faces death from a paper cut there was no justification for anyone putting hands on this woman.  You can act as a barrier  or such or perhaps the best ides would be to set up a more controlled entrance area.  But Rand Paul not wanting his beautiful mind to be spoiled by pesky free speech isn’t a reason to put your hands on a woman and that includes the goofus who is in a suit and runs over at the very beginning.

If there is some fear of a threat then there are these people we call the police who can do crowd control for a candidate, but clearly that wasn’t thought necessary.

I’ve been to tea party events and had more aggressive behavior with signs towards me in my face, but my reaction was to smile and greet them.  Cardboard signs aren’t weapons.  What’s most bizarre is the Rand Paul supporters seemed to think they needed to have her arrested.  Seriously.

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