Look, It’s Not Hard to Impeach Someone
Yes, I would have preferred a thoughtful process that included hearings and deliberation.
It’s too late for that. The Speaker had his chance to convene an investigative panel before this. Now, we are stuck with a completely untenable situation. Let’s review the rules for impeachment:
The House of Representatives has the sole power to
conduct legislative investigations to determine the existence
of cause for impeachment and, by the vote of a majority of
the members elected, to impeach Executive and Judicial
officers. Impeachments shall be tried by the Senate. When
sitting for that purpose, Senators shall be upon oath, or
affirmation, to do justice according to law. If the Governor
is tried, the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court shall
preside. No person shall be convicted without the concurrence
of two-thirds of the Senators elected. Judgment shall not
extend beyond removal from office and disqualification to
hold any public office of this State. An impeached officer,
whether convicted or acquitted, shall be liable to
prosecution, trial, judgment and punishment according to law.
(Source: Illinois Constitution.)
Impeachment is not a criminal process. It is a political process and as such, it does not require a long drawn out process. This kind of handwringing was for before we got in this situation, not now. Remove him. The grounds have been there for over one year if not longer.