Obama on Burris

“Roland Burris is a good man and a fine public servant, but the Senate Democrats made it clear weeks ago that they cannot accept an appointment made by a governor who is accused of selling this very Senate seat.  I agree with their decision, and it is extremely disappointing that Governor Blagojevich has chosen to ignore it.  I believe the best resolution would be for the Governor to resign his office and allow a lawful and appropriate process of succession to take place.  While Governor Blagojevich is entitled to his day in court, the people of Illinois are entitled to a functioning government and major decisions free of taint and controversy,” said President-elect Obama.

One can wish for a pony all they want.

More troubling, it’s not clear that Burris can be blocked.  Awesome.

Thank God?

Bobby Rush thanks God for the appointment. LOL


And one more time Bobby Rush gets to stick it to Obama.    It’s hard to tell if the appeal to God or just the over the top race-baiting was worse–though as with many things, why choose?  It’s all amazing. 

The Original Problem Was Created By Blagojevich

The Madigans’ just enabled him.

There is simply no excuse for the Madigans’ performances over the last few weeks.  First, we get a hairbrained idea to declare the Governor incapacitated so we wait to begin the impeachment.

Next, we get a bond issue that needed a technical fix to the disclaimer regarding the Governor’s status and it takes nearly a week for the AG’s office after both Hynes and Giannoulias make their fixes in a day.  It costs the State of Illinois $20 Million in interest.

Then we get the long ‘thought out’ process from Madigan about how to impeach Blagojevich because you never know if some bogus criminal complaint could be made against Lisa ‘when’ she’s Governor and she could be impeached over nothing.  Something that makes sense for about two minutes until you realize that people could differentiate between the two circumstances. 

We then get fretting about how the Chief Justice might disallow some evidence in the Senate even though the Constitution gives him no such power. 

So we have Rod Blagojevich prancing around the state pretending to be Governor for the first time in 6 years and the Madigans worry about problems with incredibly obvious solutions.

If this is what it would be like to have a Speaker and Governor as father and daughter, I’ve had enough already. 

Today I turned on my TV while vacationing in Minnesota and the voice of reason is–Pat Quinn.  Heckuva a Job Madigans. 

Mr. Balanoff told Ms. Jarrett that he told the Governor that it would never happen. Jarrett concurred.

Report on Blagojevich contacts with the incoming administration is pretty boring.

Balanoff’s idea of running it up the flag pole was to nod yes and then not do anything about it other than to relay it to Jarrett with the obvious conclusion that wasn’t going to happen.

Rich’s comparison to Howard Hughes seems especially relevant here.