Less Popular than George Bush
From Rasmussen for Fox Chicago
1* How do you rate the way that George W. Bush is performing his roll as President? Excellent, good, fair, or poor?
15% Excellent
17% Good
14% Fair
53% Poor
1% Not Sure
2* How do you rate the way that Rod Blagojevich is performing his roll as Governor? Excellent, good, fair, or poor?
5% Excellent
17% Good
25% Fair
53% Poor
1% Not Sure
Rod Blagojevich has a lower popularity than the folks who formed the core of Alan Keyes support–the same who like Bush. Think about that for a moment.
A note to Mark Kirk from the poll:
5* When it comes to the War in Iraq, should the United States withdraw all combat troops immediately, bring the combat troops home within a year, or stay until the mission is completed?
26% Withdraw Immediately
38% Bring Troops Home Within a Year
29% Stay Until Mission Complete
7% Not Sure
The war is only supported by a small group of Bush dead enders. You are about to be a former Member of Congress.
To the Hillary contingent at the State Fair–give it up:
6* Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton both claim to come from Illinois. Which candidate better represents the state of Illinois?
61% Obama
14% Clinton
25% Not Sure
And finally, what I’d really like to see is a poll that measures whether Blagojevich is seen as a Democrat or his own brand. From the following statistic, it appears he has successfully flamed out on his own without dragging the party down despite the bleating of the ICFST.
11* Who is most to blame for the government’s budget stalemate—Governor Rod Blagojevich, the state legislature, special interest groups, or voters?
53% Blagojevich
19% State Legislature
20% Special Interest Groups
2% Voters
7% Not Sure