Judi Mcleod!. To her credit, if one didn’t know what a crackpot she is, one might mistake her site for the Onion. The two different spelling of Barack are especially entertaining. It appears they only got the correct spelling after reading the Insight article since the original article used only Barak.
And to think, crackpot Andy Martin is the guy who seems to have gotten this all started.
Ms. Mcleod is worried that Rockefeller funds the University of Chicago and that such ties to the Instructor of Con-Law are troubling. Also, you know, his parents met at a Rockefeller and Bill Gates funded institute. Of course, Bill Gates hadn’t even dropped out of Harvard then, but who cares.
But the money quote is when she asks if he isn’t a Manchurian candidate, but a Mohammedan Candidate.
But The man who receives his mail at 555 Dirksen Senate Office Building, Washington D.C., Capitol Hill is Madrassa-trained with the same kind of schooling as those infidel-hating kids in Pakistan.
Is this media darling in reality a brainwashed man?
Is Obama Osama Barack not really a Manchurian candidate but a classic Mohammedan Candidate?
As one CFP wag mused: “What happens when “our” President goes on a pilgrimage to Mecca after he discovers his roots?”
“Hillary doesn’t have to make like Maggie Thatcher to convince me. If I have to choose my poisons, I’d rather have Hillary. Better the devil you know.”
These kind of loons are getting crap on Fox News.
Via Eric.