Blogbowl II
Okay, I owe Eric an apology, I’ve been running behind two two year olds and under the weathe and on top of it the time change didn’t sit well with them, but he is running his Blog Bowl II
I’ve invited a number of bloggers who regularly meditate upon the Illinois political scene to participate in Blog Bowl II, an election prediction contest.
Certain pundits shy from publicly guessing at the results of elections ? and , frankly, I think this is a ruse disguised as modesty designed to allow them to spout retrospective analyses in which they make it sound as if they knew the outcome was inevitable.
Blog Bowl II is not for them.
It will work this way: Each participant must submit to me by midnight Sunday three simple predictions:
1. The final percentage gap between Barack Obama and Alan Keyes (e.g., 37)
2. The final electoral vote margin (and the winner) between George Bush and John Kerry (e.g., Kerry by 10)
3. For tie-breaking purposes only, Alan Keyes’ percentage of the vote.You get one point for each number you’re off (in the above example, if Bush wins by 10 electoral votes, you lose 20 points).
Winner is the blogger with the lowest score.
All predictions (and, if they’d like, links to the blog entries that explain their reasoning) will be published in Monday’s Notebook.
If you blog regularly on Illinois politics and didn’t get a direct invitation from me, it’s because I have an old e-mail address for you or I couldn’t find your e-mail address or because I’m disorganized.
Feel free to enter at
Use this format:
(Blog Name ) — Keyes/Obama by XX% ; Kerry/Bush by XX%; Keyes XX% (perma-link) (Optional ? your real name)
Winner gets braggin’ rights until the next election.