Some Helpful Supporters For Keyes
There’s Tom Coburn running for Senate in Oklahoma. He was the sole Congressman to support Keyes run for the Presidency in 2000.
The Good Dr. Coburn has suggested that his election is a battle of good vs. evil
“This isn’t political jihad, this is an election.” – Democratic congressman and senate candidate Brad Carson responding to Rep. Tom Coburn’s remark that the senate race in Oklahoma represents “the battle of good and evil.”
Ann Coulter has joined in the Alan Keyes fan Club:
“God bless Alan Keyes!” Coulter said after the event. “I’m buying popcorn and videotaping the debates!”
I personally thank God for Alan Keyes, but hey.
And Phyllis Schlalfly brings her understanding of reality into question yet again:
The event was led by conservative activist Phyllis Schlafly of Missouri, and speakers included nationally syndicated conservative columnist Ann Coulter. But it was Schlafly’s introduction of Keyes that drew some of the biggest applause of the day, as she presented “the man who is going to save the Republican Party and the pro-life movement in the state of Illinois.”
BTW, just because I like to point it out, Phyllis’ son Roger has a blog. It’s a hoot.