From the Hotline’s Last Call that is open for the convention:
“You people are trying to say that I said the Cheney daughter is a selfish hedonist. That’s just a lie” — Alan Keyes, on saying “Of course she is” (AP).
I haven’t found the story filed yet, but oh my.
Okay, story up on the web
It’s actually worse when you add the next sentence:
“You people are trying to say that I said the Cheney daughter is a selfish hedonist. That’s just a lie,” Keyes said. “I made an argument and left others to follow the argument.”
“Of course she is”
“Replied Keyes: “Dick Cheney may or many not like to hear the truth, but it can be spoken.””
He was also asked if the RNC folks told him to zip it:
“When asked if anyone from the GOP had asked him to stop talking about Mary Cheney, Keyes replied, “Of course not. Of course not.”
Generally, they are used to people who would figure they really screwed the pooch and shut up instead of prolonging the story uncomfortably in the news.
It’s from the AP, so it may not be true.
Clearly, Berak Obama must be afraid of Alan Keyes for such a lie to appear in print. This obscure, unqualified politician needs to orchestrate a media conspiracy to even try to remain competitive with the awesome power and might of the Keyes intellect. Berak Obama has never accomplished anything in his life, and that is why he had to take control of all the major newspapers and television stations to perpetuate the slander that is being used against Dr. Ambassador Alan Keyes.
Oh, hell . . . it’s not even that amusing anymore!
I suppose you get your info from Tom Roeser, the mouthpiece of Bear-ik Obama and his Marxist Democratic friends.
To be far more serious than this deserves: why is he trying to back down? He really does think that gays and lesbians are social hedonists, so why does he care once a particular name is attached? Did he somehow think that gays and lesbians aren’t actual people, but just an amorous concept?
When all else fails, resort to name calling.
We really need to keep Mr. Keyes’ clarification in perspective.
It just doesn’t compare to the President of the United States telling NBC’s Matt Lauer, “I don’t think you can win” the war against terrorism.