Now, I Understand the Center-Right Coalition
Despite Jeff Trigg’s professed indifference to the Illinois Center-Right Coalition, it is really his dastardly plot to blow up the Republican Party and make the Libertarians the 2nd party in Illinois.
Heh. Heh. So no one is confused, I’m poking good natured fun at Jeff and I certainly don’t represent his views.
But the second article by John Zahm is exactly why I call the Illinois Republican Party the Illinois Circular Firing Squad Team.
The charge of the CRAV Committee will be to make recommendations to the Steering Committee about which primary and general elections should be contested. The committee can interview and research prospective candidates to identify top prospects. Surely, in some cases, the candidate will arise without need of recruitment, in other cases, an effort to find a candidate may be necessary to fill an open seat or oust an incumbent
If you split your own coalition by going after those members who are socially moderate you find yourself in a hole when it comes time to cobble together a majority coalition.