You Hate Me! You Really Hate Me!

The good news for Rod Blagojevich is that compared to two recent polls, the Tribune poll has a higher approval rating for him.

The bad news is his approval rating is 13 %.  Correct me if I’m wrong, but I don’t believe Ryan got anywhere near that low.Of course, this begs the question of who is the 13%.  Even weirder are the 8% who think he’s carried out his promise to clean up corruption. One might presume they are family—err…well maybe not or just misheard the question.

Rich says he cannot believe Blagojevich will run again.  I say that there are many things I cannot believe about Rod Blagojevich’s tenure as Governor.  He may be under indictment by then, but he could well pull a Ted Stevens.

0 thoughts on “You Hate Me! You Really Hate Me!”
  1. On a static-y phone the question may have sounded like:

    “Has Gov. Rod Blagojevich kept his promise to pffzzttz up corruption in Illinois?”

    The answer would be ‘yes’…

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