WTF? Joyce Writes Fiction

What the $#@$? Now she writes a fictional column on the danger of…walkable communities.

Really, walking is a part of the international socialist conspiracy. And the Clinton/Gore administration that ended. OR DID IT?

Next…a fictional column on the dangers of flouridation.

15 thoughts on “WTF? Joyce Writes Fiction”
  1. Saw the story in question…what did you think from them? Something actually positive?

    I guess they must like being the big fish in the small pond of their fantasy world. I’d like to see some of them come down to Granite City and try to work in the steel mills – they’d be screaming for their mommie within 20 minutes! *sigh*

  2. shoulda read “what did you think you would see from them? Something actually positive?

    That’s what happens when your brain is going faster than your fingers! *LOL*

  3. LOL!

    Gazing at the tea leaves I’d say the real issue is smart growth means developers will get nailed with impact fees. They already practice skinny housing. Slapping McMansions onto postage stamp sized lots.

  4. At risk of sounding like a conspiracy theorist myself: this column’s made reference to the UN’s agenda. [Read: one world government.] Last week’s column made reference to a single world currency.

    I wonder if all this stuff has its roots in the world of “end times” and rapture prophecies? Joyce Morrison is involved with Concerned Women for America — a group started by Tim LaHaye’s wife. Tim LaHaye is the guy behind the “Left Behind” series of books — a fictionalized account of the Rapture and End Times. Key elements in his accounts are the creation of a single world currency and the rise of the UN as a one-world government.

    I wonder if her other columns have additional elements. I’d look into it, but (quite frankly) I think it’s more productive to pick lint out of my belly button.

    [On a related note: I don’t know about fluoridation, but I do know that CWA was opposed to immunization and day care programs.]


  5. I’d like to see some of them come down to Granite City and try to work in the steel mills – they’d be screaming for their mommie within 20 minutes!

    Correction – they’d be screaming for their mommies before they finish the drive down 20th Street between Madison Ave. and 203.

  6. The transit station was six blocks from her job. Daily, regardless of the weather, she walked the six blocks to her job from the transit station and then back along the same trek that evening . . . day after day.

    If 1984 had been written by Homer Simpson instead of George Orwell, it might have read like this.

  7. As your physician, I must advise you to stop reading this woman. She is causing a small welt in one of the arteries in your brain, which enlarges every time you rant like this. It can’t old together for ever AP. Stop now before it pops!

  8. I’d like to see some of them come down to Granite City and try to work in the steel mills – they’d be screaming for their mommie within 20 minutes!

    Correction – they’d be screaming for their mommies before they finish the drive down 20th Street between Madison Ave. and 203.

    *LOL!* You got that right Dr. Squid – hey, I’m a Granite City native, I oughta know what that town’s like!

    As the late, great Pete Parisi would have said – Granite City’s got one foot in the grave and the other on the banana peel.

    If they’d be crying for mommy on 20th Street…imagine what they’d be doing in ‘downtown’ Granite!

  9. Or Madison County machine politicians!

    Another thing Parisi once said about GC –

    It’s the only place in the world where not only can you breathe the air – you can see it!

  10. There are lots of places you can see the air, STL, but only a few, like GC and Wood River, where you can actually grab a handful of it.

    I once worked on a campaign in Wood River and a precinct committeeman actually took me to his back yard and lit the dirt on fire.

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