In 1964, three brave Civil Rights Volunteers, James Chaney, Mickey Schwerner, and Andrew Goodman, were murdered in Mississippi for trying to help African Americans the right to vote. Although the murderers were identified, they were never tried, due to the racism of the time. Today, there is a growing movement, in Mississippi and across the nation, to bring the all of the killers to justice.
Congress is currently considering H.Con 457 – a resolution that calls on the Department Of Justice to offer their assistance to the State Of Mississippi in order to reopen the “Mississippi Burning” murder case. I am asking you to take five minutes today to write your Congressional Representative and ask them to support the resolution.
By clicking on the link below: you will find all of the information you need to
? Find your Congressperson
? Copy and paste a message regarding the reolution
? Read the resolution
? Learn more about the case
? Get more information
THANK YOU in advance for your help! James Chaney, Michael Schwerner, and Andrew Goodman gave their lives for the cause of justice. We must not let them be forgotten – the murderers must be brought to justice! Please write to your Representative today!
Here is the link:
I know Mark Kirk has already signed on as well as Jackson and Davis. That this is being done by students make it all the better. Other bloggers–consider posting as well.
Thank you so much for posting this notice! Those murders are one of the darkest moments in American History. I think it is remarkable that three students are the ones who are working to get the case reopened. We need more young people who care about doing the right thing – these three are a great example to all of us (regardless of age) to care about others. Their website is so well organized that it took me no time at all to write to my Congressman. While I cannot imagine anyone would be against the resolution, I think all of us should show our support for justice – and these three amazing students!
I know Mickey’s brother Steve. The two led very similar lives, working in the civil rights movement and scrounging whatever money they could to spend every summer listening to be-bop in Greenwich Village during the 50s and early 60s.
If you’ve never heard of Mickey Schwerner, James Chaney or Andrew Goodman, you really should head over to this site. Their story shows that as much as we may complain and fear for our future in this country, we’ve also sacrificed a lot and worked a long time to get the rights we now take for granted.
What an amazing story – three kids working to bring justice. Why hasn’t the media picked up on this story. Being from the South, and of an age, I remember these horrific murders. These three ( Schwerner, Chaney, and Goodman) were kidnapped, tortured, murdered and dumped in an earthern dam for trying to help Black people get the right to vote. This site is impressive, these students are impressive – what does NOT impress me is the fact that only 24 Congressmen have even signed on to this resolution. Okay, fellow bloggers, let’s rally behind these kids and get justice for three American heroes. Let’s try to get every blog on the web concerned with politics and justice to post this site. And let’s email everyone we know with the info, too! Apparently, these kids have the courage of their convictions. Let’s do the same!