Wilco’s New Lineup

8 thoughts on “Wilco’s New Lineup”
  1. I dearly miss Otto’s. It may be my favorite bar. I’ve seen Big Bad Voodoo Daddy, Soul Asylum, George Thorogood and many other great bands there. It makes me almost miss living in DeKalb.

  2. Over at joincross, we’re kinda hip. Like we’ve said, we’re not necessarily your father’s gop…..

  3. Over at joincross, we’re kinda hip. Like we’ve said, we’re not necessarily your father’s gop…..

  4. The funny part about that is a friend is running for state rep (GOP as well) here in Misery and he uses a similar line and has a website that is very not stuffy as I like to say.

  5. Joseph Wilson, author of “The Politics of Truth,” certainly doesn’t think this is your father’s GOP.

    Joe Conason: What’s the difference in the GOP from when you were growing up?

    Joseph Wilson: If you’re fiscally responsible, this is not your party. If you believe in a moderate foreign policy characterized by alliances, free trade and the ability to operate in an international environment, this is not your party. If you believe in limited federal government, this is not your party. If you believe that the government should stay out of your bedroom, this is very definitely not your party. In fact, I would argue that unless you believe in the American imperium, imposed on the world by force, or unless you believe in the literal interpretation of the Book of Revelations, this is not your party.


  6. Have you heard the new album (a stream is available on http://www.wilcoworld.net)? I think it’s pretty mediocre, and I say this as a huge fan of the band, especially the last two albums. For some reason Tweedy thinks he can really play guitar; the album is full of his solos. And some of his lyrics seem to have digressed back to his A.M. days:

    Once in Germany someone said nein”

    Oh well, not every album can be a classic.

  7. To give the Join Cross folks a break, Tom Cross is a pretty moderate and thoughtful guy. I’m not a fan of the President, but I do respect the minority leader.

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