Ryan McLaughlin joins Jason Gerwig, Matt Leffingwell, and Jake Parillo and others who have insulted your GOPUSA Illinois Editor – Dave Diersen
If you want to insult your GOPUSA Illinois Editor, just treat him as though he is not a member of the news media. Generally, conservatives, that is, people who support the Illinois Republican Part platform, encourage me to continue serving as your GOPUSA Illinois Editor and anti-conservatives discourage me. Sadly, Peter Roskam’s Campaign Manager Ryan McLaughlin stopped your GOPUSA Illinois Editor from attending a joint press conference with RNC Chairman Ken Mehlman and Roskam at 4:00 PM on Friday, March 24, at Medinah Banquets in Addison. Sadly, that was just one of many times that McLaughlin and other Roskam staff and volunteers have insulted me. Others who have insulted me numerous times include Jason Gerwig, Matt Leffingwell, and Jake Parrillo. McLaughlin told me that I could not attend the press conference because I was not a member of the news media and that even if I was a member of the news media, I could not attend because the RNC had limited number who could attend. Needless-to-say, anyone who says to me that I am not a member of the news media is insulting me – McLaughlin knows that, all the members of Roskam’s campaign team know that, and Roskam himself knows that. Because McLaughlin works directly for Roskam and he would not do anything without Roskam’s authorization, Roskam constructively insulted me. Why would anyone on the Roskam campaign team continue to insult me? Possible explanations include wanting to earn brownie points with Bob Kjellander, Judy Baar Topinka, Bill Brady, the liberal news media, illegal immigration advocates, abortion advocates, and homosexual advocates or caving into pressure from them to punish me. As everyone knows, I have been a critic of Kjellander, Topinka, Brady, the liberal news media, illegal immigration advocates, abortion advocates, and homosexual advocates. Another possible explanation is that certain people who have tremendous influence over Roskam only tolerate yes-men and yes-women. I am not a yes-man or a yes-woman. Who is encouraging or forcing the Roskam campaign to continue to insult me? What are their motives? Please phone me at 630-653-0462 or email me at if you have any comments or suggestions on how I should react to this.A Roskam campaign briefing was held at Medinah Banquets at 3:00 PM and ended just before the press conference began. Mary Jo Arndt served as the master of ceremonies. Speakers included Joe Birkett, Mehlman, Roskam, and Ron Smith. Attendees included Lori Carlson, Franco Coladipiero, Dan Curry, Pat Durante, Bob and Dawn Earl, Fran Eaton, MaryAlice Erickson, Jim FlickingeroPaul Fichtner, Paul Hinz, Gary King, Karl Mauer, Vern McCarthy, Pam Mitroff, Teri O’Brien, Debra Olson, Don Sender, Brien Sheahan, John Tsarpalas, and Rick Venstra. I had planned on attending the Will County Lincoln Day Dinner at 6:00 PM in Bolingbrook. Mehlman was scheduled to speak and I was going to report on the event. I am sorry that I let McLaughlin’s latest insult bother me so much that I did not attend the event in Bolingbrook — sadly, that is provably what his latest insult was intended to cause me to do.
Jake, at least you have company, and company from all ideological sides of the Party.
And from today, Diersen forgot someone:
(Note: Yesterday, I forgot to include Brad Goodrich in the list of people who have insulted me.)
Hey Jake, did he even call you back?
Making his list and checking it twice,
gonna find out who’s naughty or nice,
Diersen is coming to town.
He sees you are a yes-man,
he knows when you’re a flake,
he knows when he’s been insulted,
so be good for your own sake!!
That’s funny.
I guess Dave might as well add me to the list:
What a dork…
Sheesh. Why do I get the impression conservatives are really just power-mad oddball guys with self-image issues — witness Karl Rove, Grover Norquist, et al.
“Sticks-n-stones” got old in 1st grade for most of us, but not for these dorks.