No, not help him get elected.

But Alan Keyes needs a place to live in Illinois, and quick. He can’t sign a year lease, and needs to move it immediately — so that limits his choices.

We can do a great service by offering him suggestions on places to move: flophouses, SROs, the local Y.


(stolen shamelessly from the inbox with a reader suggestion–thanks)

3 thoughts on “We should help Keyes”
  1. Alan: this is a link to a list of Manufactured Housing and Mobile Home communities in Illinois:

    A mobile home is relatively inexpensive, it can double as your campaign vehicle, and when you lose on November 2, you can just take the mobile home right back to Maryland.

  2. I do have an extra bedroom…but given his track record, I think I have good reason to doubt that he’d pay his half of the rent and utilities.

    Just crash on Syverson’s couch for a couple months.

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