Wanna Bet Karl Rove Called Judy Today

And told her to find any live body to be a Senate candidate. Imagine if Obama’s only opposition is a libertarian candidate (hey Jeff–at least I acknowledge him) and what he can do to raise black turnout in swing states–and the press he’ll bring with him.

If Jack! doesn’t turn in papers soon watch for concrete being poured near Karl’s house right after he disappears.

3 thoughts on “Wanna Bet Karl Rove Called Judy Today”
  1. Shameless Solicitation:

    1. If you thought that was a one hell of a well-written speech last night, please click on the ad to the right.

    2. If you believe in the vision for America expressed in last night’s speech, please click on the ad to the right.

    3. If you asked yourself, “What can I do to help that man transform America?” please click on the ad to the right.

    4. If you are just glad that I finally — FINALLY — put up a different picture of Mr. Obama, please click on the ad to the right.

  2. Either way you interpret it, the ILGOP IS going to put somebody on the ballot for the sole purpose of making sure we don’t get 5%. Jerry’s starting to get some more attention. The Tribune interviewed him today and so did WGN. He’s been doing a lot of small market radio interviews also. Karl Rove could also send Jerry Kohn some money to help keep Obama in Illinois 🙂 I crack myself up.

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