Vote Early, Vote Often

So, if those of you in Illinois are noticing a lack of political advertising, let me offer your choice of ads to air—and you can vote with your pocketbook to put them on the air. Jeff Smith is asking you to choose which ad you like, and then to donate to put it on the air. Jeff was within $4000 of the biggest take for the last quarter and is number one with cash on hand going into the last two weeks of the campaign. He hasn’t focused on TV, but this is a way to make it on TV and pay for it and choose an ad people actually like the most.

I’m leaning to Fire Bush, though High Energy probably captures the essence of my friend better.

2 thoughts on “Vote Early, Vote Often”
  1. I thought the Fire Bush was really gimmicky and pretty cheesy. High Energy all the way. He looks like he can hoop too.

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