Video of John Lewis, Andre Carson, and Cummings

Only one n-word is clear–it’s not very good audio, but it’s at about 12 seconds in.


0 thoughts on “Video of John Lewis, Andre Carson, and Cummings”
  1. It’s not there. People hear what they want to hear. You get a couple of the largest blogs to report it and 7 million good little soldiers go out and repeat it all over the web as if it were fact.

  2. I am not surprised. The teabag movement is a loose conglomerate of angry, white haters.

    If it weren’t healthcare, it would be something else. They are conditioned to believe that the brown people are “commin’ to git ’em”. The election of a black man to the White House sent them round the bend a long time ago.

    “OMG Mavis, hide the Elvis Commemorative Plates! The negros are a comin’!!”

  3. the problem is these people bought into that reagan thought pattern that the poor people of color was their enemy but now that they have gotten older they see that they have been PUNKED by the rethug party ,

  4. Lisa: that argument has worn thin with the American people and quite frankly you sound foolish. The “victim” mentality in your words and the sheer ignorance of your statement is appalling. We voted for a black President only so we could run around with signs? The President and the Congress have nothing to do with the people’s anger. A bunch of Independents that voted for Obama took a “racist pill” and suddenly became racists overnight. How about the black people in the tea party? Oh, I forgot, they’re all a bunch of sellout Oreos. You don’t suppose 25% unemployment, baldface lying to the people, corruption, ignoring the wishes of constituents, squandering away our money to “create” jobs but creating not a single new job and in the middle of a quasi-depression our government decides to put us in further debt… might have something to do with it?

  5. DaveB,
    Do you actually believe that the tea bagging protesters are people
    that voted for Obama??

    A Trained Monkey

  6. =-==Nope. Not there. This has been another edition of Imaginary Racism.

    As I’m sure the spitting on Cleaver was imaginary adn the hoots of laughter at calling Barney Frank a faggot. Apparently the teabaggers have the maturity of 12 year old boys unsure in their own sexuality.

    ====How about the black people in the tea party? Oh, I forgot, they’re all a bunch of sellout Oreos. You don’t suppose 25% unemployment, baldface lying to the people, corruption, ignoring the wishes of constituents, squandering away our money to “create” jobs but creating not a single new job and in the middle of a quasi-depression our government decides to put us in further debt… might have something to do with it?

    LOL–the black people in the tea party? Are you trying to do a Stephen Colbert imitation about not seeing race, but obviously they must be there?

    Because anyone who has been at teabagger events know there might be a black person or two, but it’s overwhelmingly a crowd of crazy old white people into conspiracy theories.

    BTW, do you understand basic economics? Clearly not, because when you are in a depression or recession is when you are supposed to run a deficit. Perhaps you are confused by that previous moron who decided to run deficits while running two wars and not paying for them that this basic principle was lost.

  7. ArchPundit “teabagger” slander is an obsession of the Left. Anderson Cooper, Stephanopoulos, E. J. Dionne, Jim Lehrer, Gwen Ifill, Paul Krugman and Roger Ebert have all worked to mainstream it. Now I have no doubt ArchPundit is sexually hip, but just to clarify, please know that “teabag” has a particular meaning in Leftist circles. In order to engage in their discussion of the topic, we must agree on that meaning, and I call on the Source of All Knowledge, Wikipedia:

    “‘Teabagging’ is a slang term for the act of a man placing his scrotum in the mouth or on or around the face (including the top of the head) of another person, often in a repeated in-and-out motion as in irrumatio. The practice resembles dipping a tea bag into a cup of tea.”

    I could quote more, but I expect ArchPundit has more experience than anyone attending a Taxed Enough Already (TEA) rally cares to know. But these Leftists are encouraged to fling their cute rhetorical feces through the bars of their mental cages when they run short on rhetorical ammo.

    Stay classy.

  8. BTW: The deficit will continue to skyrocket whether the Obamateur spends trillions on pork or not. With 10.2% unemployment and rising, Leftists need to take ownership for the return of Carter’s “misery index”— courtesy of the Pelosi-Obama-Reid (POR) triumverate.

    The POR economy kicked in during the latter part of June 2007, when its architects — Nancy Pelosi, Barack Obama, and Harry Reid — decided that starving the economy of energy by refusing to allow more offshore drilling in the face of $4 gas prices was a winning political position. Pelosi claimed that because we couldn’t totally “drill our way out of this,” we shouldn’t increase drilling at all. Reid put an exclamation point on Pelosi’s stubbornness by insisting that fossil fuels are “making us sick.”

    This turndown has been much more severe than it should have been because of a serious breakdown in “the rules of the game.” Why invest in, start up, or expand any kind of business if there’s a realistic possibility that the government will aid your direct or indirect competitors, or otherwise radically and whimsically alter the playing field? This uncertainty has also taken its toll on consumers. Despite having billions of extra dollars available thanks to energy price drops and lower interest rates, their spending appears not to be ramping up proportionally.

    The solution from the POR triumverate? More bailouts, leading to more uncertainty across the board. Another bigger “stimulus” and a less effective one at that. While tax “rebate” checks such as those Bush sent are not as effective as across-the-board rate cuts, at least they put money into consumers’ pockets quickly. But the new “stimulus” package evolving in Washington is dominated by public “investments” that, even if justified, would take much longer to make their way into the economy.

    Roosevelt tried massive public works programs during the Depression. All he did is prolong it for seven years. Japan tried government stimulus for 10 years running in the 1990s. It only resulted in “the lost decade.”

    What the POR triumverate should do is expand the tax cut element of the stimulus plan to include all incomes, ditch almost all of the (alleged) “green” “investments”, open up oil and gas exploration, and, eventually, watch the royalty money pour in. I know; that’s way too much to “hope” for.

  9. ===ArchPundit “teabagger” slander is an obsession of the Left.

    Actually it’s not an obsession as much as a hysterical pick-up of what tea baggers called themselves with apparently no knowledge that it refers to a particular form of oral sex. The even more amusing part of it is it’s not clear why teabaggers are so offended by a perfectly acceptable sexual practice between consenting adults.

    I guess the rejoinder to you is Stay Repressed!

  10. ===The POR economy kicked in during the latter part of June 2007, when its architects — Nancy Pelosi, Barack Obama, and Harry Reid — decided that starving the economy of energy by refusing to allow more offshore drilling in the face of $4 gas prices was a winning political position. Pelosi claimed that because we couldn’t totally “drill our way out of this,” we shouldn’t increase drilling at all. Reid put an exclamation point on Pelosi’s stubbornness by insisting that fossil fuels are “making us sick.”

    You are truly a fucking moron. First, exploration of off shore areas wouldn’t produce any more energy until around 2014. Second, it would, at max production in the mid 2020s produce less than one percent of world oil production meaning that small changes in OPEC production would dwarf the amount that is produced even by max estimates of oil being recoverable.

    IOW, trying to claim that a decision in 2007 to not drill in some off shore areas has any effect on current energy production is the height of silliness and stupidness all in one package.

    Where you are really clueless though is that not only would we not produce enough energy in a short enough time, but a far more productive and much quicker strategy is to invest in conservation of energy. You can make rather dramatic changes in the total amount of energy used with relatively small changes. Somehow rational energy policy doesn’t make any sense to you apparently because it contains real numbers and hard stuff like math.

    I’m always amused by the Depression history revisionists. You do realize that the economy slowed down under Roosevelt when he reduced the amount of money he was spending–as Keynesian models would predict. Of course, the guy who wanted to cut his way out of the depression was a guy named Hoover who worsened the depression.

    I know math and economics is hard, but it’s worth the time to actually understand it before spouting off on it.

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