
Hannity claims he does it because he presents all points of views. Funny, he never criticized the point of view though as he does with everyone else. Strange.

In fact, it would have been refreshing for Hannity to give Andy Martin the treatment he gave Robert Gibbs.

0 thoughts on “Unleashing Gibbs”
  1. Red Herring alert. Hannity’s line of questioning was no different than Mark Halperin’s of Time. I posted the video over at my blog. Gibbs has no answer so he throws out a red herring to burn the time in segement so he dosen’t have to look as foolish as he does in the Halpern clip.

  2. LOL—sure. Except that the radical terrorist was part of a huge grant to the City of Chicago that had a Board of Directors made up of upstanding citizens of both parties so the entire argument Hannity and Halperin are making is a red herring. It’s silly and it’s stupid and it’s made by people who refuse to get beyond a elementary school understanding of how the world works. Trying to use Halperin as some reasonable standard reinforces the point about those who don’t understand how civic grants are staffed and run. But nice try.

  3. I love guys like Hannity who call themselves journalists when it suits them but then say they are entertainers when that suits them. The reality is they are low-life unprofessionals and should be recognized as such.

  4. What struck me is the defense that “I’m not anti-semitic because I support Israel.”

    Come on. There are plenty of far-right, end-times “Christians” who support Israel because they want to convert the Jews. Sorry, that’s anti-semitic, despite their support of Israel.

    I’m not saying that Hannity is an end-times Christian anti-semite. I am saying that he probably attracts viewers with similar beliefs, and that’s why he would not challenge Andy Martin’s past views.

    Also, the real point that Gibbs is trying to make got a bit lost here. I understood the issue as one of guilt by association — the same way that Hannity is trying to use guilt by association with Ayers and Obama. Except that there are huge differences, not the least of which is that Obama was 8 when Ayers committed his crimes, and Martin continues to be an anti-semitic nutcase to this day.

  5. Why would anyone put Andy Martin on national tv anyway?

    Oh… wait.

    Press Secretary Robert Gibbs has a nice ring to it.

    (He still oughtta apologize to Dean though.)

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