First, irony is alive. Eric Zorn points out that rumbles concerning Betty Loren-Maltese don’t actually exist as Michael Sneed claims.

The irony is in the piece though,

Fact: The job line: Word is Maltese had a prison job and is now working in the landscaping department, where she helps with the accounting.

Fox-Chicken issues.

Second, Eric takes a warranted slap at Dan Zanosa

Dan Zanoza (Illinois Leader), notes in his Media Watch column that the Web-only publication for which he writes is not universally beloved and admired. He cites my reference in Breaking Views to the Leader as "your online home for right-wing rhetoric," and writes, "I seriously wonder if the Illinois Leader and its content were more liberal in nature… would it be drawing fire from individuals like Zorn?" Gee. And I wonder if I were more conservative in nature, would the Leader be publishing letters headlined Zorn Scorn comparing me to a witch doctor and cold oatmeal. Only the difference between me and Zanoza is that I don’t seriously wonder this.

One point is lost here, The Illinois Leader’s entire existence is because it wants to be ‘you online home for right-wing rhetoric.’ There is no other reason for it to exist. Why complain when someone points out the obvious.

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