Turnout News! At the Capitol Fax

The first report, besides you all, of what the turnout is like is up at the Capitol Fax:

Low Republican turnout–I’m guessing the mudslinging kept people home.

St. Clair (East St. Louis) medium
Madison (Alton) down

Downstate Democratic turnout is in the crapper

Go read the rest, Rich Miller has many more details. While black turnout is questionable, I have to think poor downstate turnout kills Hull and Hynes.

The Champaign-News Gazette has an article saying overall turnout is low

Here in Saint Louis the weather is crappy and even severe weather in some rural areas. I don’t know if that’ll hit the East side before polls close or not.

12 thoughts on “Turnout News! At the Capitol Fax”
  1. Yep, there goes my half-hearted Hynes prediction. One precinct in McLean County said turnout was low and my precinct in Peoria said turnout was low. Hey, I might at least win the turnout guess for Zorn. I said 27%.

  2. Shockingly low turn out in my Chicago precinct (44th Ward, Lake Shore liberals). At 3:00pm only 70 people had voted. The precinct workers were clearly bored out of their minds. Sparse signage too.

  3. voted about 9:15 this a.m. (Park Ridge … Maine Twp) … low turnout at morning rush period there, too …

  4. I’m 44th as well, and I thought turnout was mediocre, if not low.

    Well, I *think* I’m 44th. Problem is, I am right on the border, and I’ve not had a chance to vote in my municipal elections yet.

    On Racine, at least, there was signage everywhere.

  5. 44th Ward — DK what precinct.

    I was #17 Democrat at 7:45am. Signs everywhere. Mainly Hynes, Hull and Obama. Some Pappas. One or two for Ryan — spinkling of judges.

    My “personal” exit poll — Obama 100% — all others 0%

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