10 thoughts on “Trib Front Page”
  1. anybody else put off by the sound of Ryan’s voice? there’s something peculiar and irritating about it.

    corvax, being superficial

  2. I was too, and I thought his presence was like that of a frat boy on tv. I’ve talked with others though who say he has a very significant presence when he enters a room. So I’m waiting to see more on that.

  3. So much for a Senate race based on real issues

    From the Chicago Tribune: Republican aims to unite party, but divorce issue refuses to fadeJust hours after sealing his victory as the Republican nominee for U.S. Senate, Jack Ryan began his general election fight Wednesday, faced not only with being t…

  4. I heard him on the radio giving his acceptance speech and had to ask my bro-in-law, “Who’s that?” I couldn’t believe that that voice went with that polished image.

    Kinda like if Elmer Fudd went to prep school.

    With regard to Ryan’s “presence” – he is currently walking that fine line between “charismatic” and “smarmy.” But I think that the divorce-file rumors could tip the balance past “smarmy” to “slick” or even “creepy.”

    [See also Clinton, Bill; aka: “Slick Willie,” and “the Big Creep.”]

  5. I’m all for Obama, but I’d like to register a preference for “I really don’t want to know what embarrassing thing is in Ryan’s divorce file, unless he committed a crime against his wife and/or child.”

    Nobody seems to be taking that poll.

  6. Obeah, I largely agree. And my commentary is more on how they are handling it. It isn’t going away. I think before the primary he could have handled it by having a 3rd party look at it. Now, it is going to have to be disclosed before the press shuts up about it.

  7. Oneman,
    That makes some sense, I noticed he does what I do in front of an audience–speak too fast. I think part of that is excitement, but he has a few months to really get it right.

  8. I admit, I’m a hyper-sensitive liberal, but I found the following annoying:

    1) Channel 7 cutting away from Obama’s live victory speech to hear the one-on-one interview with Ryan AFTER they had already covered Ryan’s victory speech in full. It was a terrible journalistic choice.

    2) The Trib’s early space and visual preference for Ryan. He’s at the top of every article, and even online I noticed that the Ryan article is bolded while the Obama piece is an unbolded aside. Unfortunately for Ryan, his divorce still leads the pieces, but it’s the visuals that have the most resonance.

    Of course I fully expect the Trib to endorse Ryan, unless his divorce issue really blows up. But do they have to be so partisan out of the gate?

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