
I imagine he was trying to be funny and sarcastic about concern over potential right wing violence simply because I can’t believe Hannity is that much of an asshole.  Oh, I think he’s an asshole, just not that big of an asshole that he in any way approves of Tim McVeigh.

It’s not funny.  At all. I’ve made mistakes in language before that seemed funny in my head and then weren’t so funny out loud or in writing. All fair enough.  But this isn’t funny at all and he needs to explain what he was trying to say and make it clear he didn’t mean McVeigh is a hero in any way.

April 19th is the anniversary of Waco and Oklahoma City-militia Christmas and Easter rolled into one.  Toning down violent rhetoric even in jest is the responsible thing to do.  We have seen violence from such groups before and dismissing it as a joke is dangerous. Most wingnuts are non-violent, and even most militias are  harmless doofuses who believe in weird conspiracy theories.  Toning down the violent rhetoric does have the effect of making people understand we are not in any crisis–we simply are having political fights.  You can still dislike the ‘Democrat’ Party, the gummint, and that funny Kenyan President, just tone down the violence rhetoric and remind everyone we have perfectly acceptable ways to change the government in the US.  They are called elections.

0 thoughts on “Tim McVeigh Wannabes”
  1. I’d like to take this asshole in front of one of the loved ones of McVeigh’s victims and make him explain himself.

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